Friday, March 30, 2012

Flattering50 Giveaway: “Alarmed about Your Arms?”

Each spring since turning 50, I’ve stood in front of the mirror and asked myself, “Is it time to give up wearing sleeveless tops and dresses?” When I was in my forties, I read an article that instructed all women over 50 to ‘just say no’ to sleeveless. The author was pretty emphatic, saying it didn’t matter how toned the older arms were: cover them! At the time, it sounded like an absurd mandate. Instead of exposing one’s over 50 arms, the article’s author recommended wearing shawls and three-quarter sleeves. I pictured women over 50 everywhere, covered up in shawls and long sleeves, having heat strokes during 90 degree weather. What I’d like to know for the current Flattering50 Giveaway is…"Are You Alarmed about Your Arms?”

Obviously, we need our arms and can't lop them off like a store mannequin. But are you dismayed by your over 50 arms? Or are you comfortable with them? Share your ideas in the Comment Box on this post for a chance to win one of three $25 Gift Certificate! Read on for all the details.

In the Comment Box on this post, express yourself on:

Are You Alarmed about Your Arms?

Do you think your older arms look perfectly fine and don’t understand the bare arm hubbub among over 50 women? Or do you agree that your aging arms should be covered all the time? Or have you just curtailed the wearing of sleeveless since turning 50? If so, tell me what your strategy is—when, where and why do you choose to sometimes go sleeveless and other times cover up? I’d love to know what you think! And, finally, please tell me if you’ve found any products that make your arms look better.

For a chance to win one of three $25 Gift Certificate I'm giving away, you must leave a Comment on this Post.

Please note: I will be sending a $25 e-gift certificate to each winner via email. I will send the gift certificate to the email address (which never gets published) you’ve used to leave your comment. So your email address must be valid.

Please include your age (or decade—over 50 or over 60, etc.).

This Giveaway is open to all Flattering50 readers. To enter for a chance to win, your comment must be posted no later than Sunday, April 29, 2012, 11:59 PM EST. The winners will be selected by a random drawing and contacted by email on April 30, 2012. Winners will receive an email from me, asking them to confirm that their email addresses are active. Once a winner has confirmed that her email is valid, I will send the e-gift certificate to that email address. If I don’t get email confirmation for a winner, a replacement winner will be chosen. So please…check your email on April 30th and confirm your email address right away. 

Thanks and Good Luck!